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Mobile Workshops

Aziza Chaouni Projects has worked in many contexts with low or intermittent internet access and literacy. In order to ensure community consultations take all views into account, mobile exhibitions or workshops around the site or city are used.

Dessine Moi Une Ville 
"Draw Me a City"
Tool_DMUV Mobile

Images of volunteers with ipads (slides)


Uniformed Dessine Moi Une Ville (DMUV) volunteers traveled around Laâyoune, having conversations with locals on the state of existing public spaces in their town. These polls were an extension of the collage activities which allowed people to visualize rather than verbalize these opinions. Further, the mobile polls educated the public about the DMUV participatory process and encouraged Laâyonians to freely voice their opinions in order to have a sense of stewardship and excitement over their public spaces.

Tool_Noumea Mobile

Images of medical carts (gif)


The interactive masterplan for the Nouméa North Entrance project allowed the public to voice their opinions and up or down-vote elements of the proposed masterplan. A series of 'smiley face' pictograms were used to allow illiterate residents to participate as well. The interactive web tool was an effective tool for this masterplan project because it could reach citizens who are scattered on numerous islands, engaging them in a project with strong social and cultural significance in the region. Further, ACP also used a mobile exhibition version with the same information to allow citizens with low tech literacy to join the co-design process. 



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