Dakhla Waterfront
ACP’s proposal for Dakhla’s waterfront focuses on the city square the cornice of Foum El Bouir, reworking them to reflect Dakhla’s identity through its dunes, lagoon and waves. The proposed landscapes and buildings make references to these organic forms, and reference water through a series of ponds, dancing fountains, squares with jets, etc. Dense green gardens reference the oasis, creating contrasts to the site’s arid context. Finally, we referred to the Saharan oases by creating small, dense green which contrast with the surrounding arid context.
The ACP team researched the original design of the Spanish colonial square and restored the original organic design. Tall berms were added to create a cooler microclimate at the center of the square.weaving in and out of the shoreline. Two pathways, each using a different materials criss-cross, creating planted areas in the interstitial spaces. A berm-like structure houses changing rooms, showers, an info-kiosk, and a café. An entrance plaza with water jets (using recycled water) frames the start of the two pathways.